Wednesday, June 25, 2008

extreme makeover: baby edition

Kinsey is the only one in the family who LOVES to undress all the babies! One day I was tired of seeing all the 'skin' so Kinsey and I sat down to dress them all. She 'helped' and picked out what each one should wear. The babies stayed in their clothes for around fifteen minutes...oh least she enjoys playing with them!


Caroline said...

That's cute. I would never leave my babies naked. I would cut their hair and almost leave them bald, but by God, they would never be naked.

The Hilemans said...

my girls always prefer their babies naked. Even EB grunts and yanks on the baby's clothes until I take them off. funny! oh, and I WILL send you that recipe. I've had a very busy week.

anthonyandbeth said...

i hope addison loves babies....i always did!! :)